Thursday, November 27, 2008


A while back my boss introduced mee to a visitor at work. He told her I was weird because I am a teacher who thinks like a therapist.
Last week I had a visitor at work. A supervisor was giving her a tour of the facility.  When he was introducing her to mee (yeah, she was my visitor shoulder shrug) he told her that I was the Special Education teacher, but work with all of the boys and am an integral part of what goes on there.
While talking to a friend about church one day he mentioned to mee that a couple of people where discussing a question they had about the scriptures. One of them said "we should ask Malinda, she'll probable know."
Still, one of the best complements is to know that people know my first name. I have been Sister Glasgow, Miss G, or Ms Glasgow for so long it isn't often I hear people out side of my family call mee Malinda. I like to hear it.

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