Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love Thyself

(From “A Book of Meditations and Affirmations for Women,” Mandarava Gifts for the Spirit). 

Who will speak words of love to you, 
if you do not speak them to yourself? 
Arise every morning and give thanks to the Power 
for your life, 
your awareness, 
your creativity, 
and all that you hold dear. 
Then speak words of love to yourself. 
As you love yourself more and more, 
the fountain within will flow more readily and persistently, 
until it overflows the bricks and mortar of your heart-well 
and brings forth life in all the corners of your garden. 
You are beautiful. 
You are unique. 
You are my wonderful creation. 
Love yourself each day before the pink dawn 
has lost its blush. 
Love yourself as the noonday sun 
purifies the heavens. 
Love yourself in the velvet shawl of twilight. 
Repeat these words to yourself: 
"I love you more than anyone in the world. 
You are an infinite, immortal being. 
You know only abundance. 
You are the most wondrous creature 
in the world to me. 
You are divinely beautiful. 
You are wonderful and magical 
and you have the gift of Love." 
Then will the sparrows and swans drink from your hand, 
praising your kindness. 
The forest will be cooled by your generous waters. 
Your name will be a blessing on the lips of all who thirst. 

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