Wednesday, June 25, 2008

White Crazy Mormon

I was just standing there. I had stopped to let them pass. They, him and his therapist, stopped and were looking at me. I was a little trapped between a closed door and them.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing....mumble, mumble..."
"What did you say?"
I looked at him...thinking about what I thought I had heard.
"Did you just call me a white crazy Mormon?"
"Yes." I think he was worried he was in trouble.
"You should have been more specific by saying I am a white crazy female Mormon.", he was okay with me being the white crazy Mormon...all the other white Mormons that work with me aren't crazy....according to him anyway.... I got a good laugh out of that one for a couple of days.

Friday, June 20, 2008

that could be my but

"I so love cheese cake."

I left it hanging. Apparently my tone and delivery made it sound like it was going to be followed with a "but..." That was made a apparent when the individual sitting at the lunch table with me asked "But what?"

"Nothing, that was all I was going to say."

I continued to enjoy my cheese cake as others came to join us at the table. Others at the table comment on how good the cheese cake was. I then made the comment that I can only eat so much cheese cake in one setting. I then turned to the original man I was eating with and said "That could be my but." He look a little confused and then made the connection. I so love cheese cake..but I can only eat so much in one setting.

Apparently leaving an oral "that could be my but..." can get interesting reactions...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

...can't get a date...

Last week I took Boyd to school to help with a lesson. On Friday one of the boys noticed the picture on my door, "I met him," he said pointing to Boyd.
"Yep," I said, "and that's his cousin Claire." As I turned to return to my desk I heard him say... "I know why you can't get a worry to much about your cow and his family."